
Công cụ tìm kiếm

The building on the road Ung Van Khiem Str, W. 25, Binh Thanh Dist Area: 14.5x65m - 230 billion VND

  • Tin rao có các thông tin không chính xác:

  • Giá: 230 Tỷ Diện tích: 852.4 m²
  • Địa chỉ: Đường Ung Văn Khiêm, Phường 25, Bình Thạnh, Hồ Chí Minh
For sale of the building on the road Ung Van Khiem, Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District.
- Area: 14.5 x 65m.
- Configuration: Basement + 1 Mezzanine + 12 Floors, Terrace.
- Area: 852,4sqm. construction area: 445.2m2. Floor area of building 6.369sqm.

The concept of Serviced Apartments is Natural Modern,Convineniance space for global Navigators with a basement and 12 floors meticulously designed and luxuriously furnished, the 67 elegant serviced apartments (one & two bedroom) combine the comforts of home with the convenience of hotel services. At the Serviced Apartments, you will feel like at home with your modern Kitch,
- Income 1,3 billion VND/month.

***Price 230 billion VND
Contact Mr. Kenny 0938837586 (Zalo, Viber).
Chi tiết tin rao
Loại tin rao Mua bán nhà phố
Thông tin liên lạc
Tên liên lạc Mr Kenny
Di động 0938837586
  • Mã tin đăng: 384843
  • Ngày đăng: 25/07/2018
  • Ngày hết hạn: 01/08/2018
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